Last three verses of surah al hashr
Last three verses of surah al hashr

last three verses of surah al hashr

Such are the parables which We put forward to mankind that they may reflect.Ĭommenting on Ayah 21, Al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir wrote: “God the Exalted emphasizes the greatness of the Qur’an, its high status and of being worthy of making hearts humble and rent asunder upon hearing it, because of the true promises and sure threats that it contains."Ģ2 He is God, beside Whom La ilaha illa Huwa, the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. The last four Ayahs and commentary by ibn Kathir read:Ģ1 Had We sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and rent asunder by the fear of God. It is the way God has honored His Holy Prophet and has honored us instead of providing us the unlawful things in the hands of people". saying that "We are the Ahl al-Bayt (kinsfolk) and this applies to such persons from us exclusively. But you understand not their glorification ( Q17:44) Īli, the cousin of Muhammad, narrates about the following verse: 7 Whatever God grants to His Messenger (out of the property) of the people of the towns, belongs to God, the Messenger, the kinsfolk, the orphans, the destitute. God states that everything that exists in the heavens and on the earth praises, glorifies, reveres and prays to Him and affirms His Oneness." Further, God said in another Ayah: The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein, glorify Him and there is not a thing but glorifies His praise. He wrote: “Everything glorifies God in its own way.

last three verses of surah al hashr

In Tafsir ibn kathir, Al-Hafiz ibn Kathir explained the significance of the Ayah. Surah Al-Hashr opens with God proclaiming: 1 Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies God. 22-24 God hath excellent names, and He only to be worshipped.21 Had the Quran descended on a mountain, it would have split asunder.11-17 Hypocrites in Madína reproved for treachery.8-10 Special ruling for the benefit of the Muhájirín.6-7 Ruling of Muhammad concerning spoils.2-5 Passage relating to the expulsion of the Baní Nadhír.1 Everything in the universe praiseth God.

Last three verses of surah al hashr